Industrial Maintenance BLAST FURNACE STRUCTURAL STEEL AND DUCT INSTALLATION > Projects > Blast Furnace Structural Steel and Duct Installation Over the 10-month schedule McGraw Å®ÓÅÒùÍÞÅàѵӪ furnished and installed 450′ long by 11′ main duct run at an elevation of 70′ between the cast house and baghouse facilities; 180 tons of structural steel supports, platforms, and walkways; 650 linear feet of 8 to 11-foot diameter duct, transitions and hoods in the Cast Houses and under the Skip Hoist; and numerous electrical, structural, and pipe relocations. All of the work was closely coordinated with plant operations and maintenance crews during operating turns, downturns and through a major outage to ensure the project was completed with minimal production interruptions. PROJECT DETAILS: Project Owner: Private Steel Client Location: Southwest Ohio SERVICES: Process Piping Structural Steel
Over the 10-month schedule McGraw Å®ÓÅÒùÍÞÅàѵӪ furnished and installed 450′ long by 11′ main duct run at an elevation of 70′ between the cast house and baghouse facilities; 180 tons of structural steel supports, platforms, and walkways; 650 linear feet of 8 to 11-foot diameter duct, transitions and hoods in the Cast Houses and under the Skip Hoist; and numerous electrical, structural, and pipe relocations. All of the work was closely coordinated with plant operations and maintenance crews during operating turns, downturns and through a major outage to ensure the project was completed with minimal production interruptions. PROJECT DETAILS: Project Owner: Private Steel Client Location: Southwest Ohio SERVICES: Process Piping Structural Steel