Heavy Civil RAISING THE BAR ON AN OHIO DAM > Projects > RAISING THE BAR ON AN OHIO DAM INSIDE THE PROJECT This project consisted of raising the existing Earthen Dam using precast concrete mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) wall panels and vinyl sheet piling (VSP) as a cutoff wall. The VSP was installed at a depth of 30 feet through a bentonite slurry wall that ran the entire length of the dam. The dam raising was approximately 1,600 feet long and 13 feet high. This project also included the construction of a mile long access road, existing spillway and spillway inlet raising. PROJECT DETAILS: Project Owner Private Power Generation Client Location Eastern Ohio acd3 acd5 acd4 acd1 acd2 Close acd3 acd5 acd4 acd1 acd2
INSIDE THE PROJECT This project consisted of raising the existing Earthen Dam using precast concrete mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) wall panels and vinyl sheet piling (VSP) as a cutoff wall. The VSP was installed at a depth of 30 feet through a bentonite slurry wall that ran the entire length of the dam. The dam raising was approximately 1,600 feet long and 13 feet high. This project also included the construction of a mile long access road, existing spillway and spillway inlet raising. PROJECT DETAILS: Project Owner Private Power Generation Client Location Eastern Ohio acd3 acd5 acd4 acd1 acd2 Close acd3 acd5 acd4 acd1 acd2